Doing Business in Turkey

Mastering Business Etiquette in Turkey: Essential Tips for Global Entrepreneurs and Expats

Turkey Foreigners Team

Mastering Business Etiquette in Turkey: Essential Tips for Global Entrepreneurs and Expats

When embarking on business ventures in Turkey, global entrepreneurs and expats must navigate not only the intricate legal landscape but also the subtleties of Turkish business etiquette. Mastering these social nuances can make the difference between successful negotiations and missed opportunities. Turkey’s unique blend of traditional customs and modern business practices demands a keen understanding of cultural norms, such as the importance of building personal relationships, showing respect to senior figures, and understanding the role of hospitality in the business world. Whether you're attending a formal meeting, networking event, or a casual business tea, familiarizing yourself with the local etiquette will signal respect and pave the way for fruitful collaboration. For those keen on making a positive impression in the Turkish market, it's essential to learn the art of communication—both verbal and non-verbal. Greetings in Turkey often involve a firm handshake, coupled with direct eye contact, reflecting both confidence and sincerity. Punctuality, while appreciated, has a more flexible interpretation in Turkey, so patience is a virtue that's highly regarded. Moreover, exchanging business cards is a standard ritual that follows a certain decorum; present and receive cards with both hands or the right hand, and take a moment to study the card before placing it respectfully away. By adhering to these practices, global entrepreneurs and expats show their dedication to respecting Turkish business culture, which can go a long way in establishing long-lasting business relationships within this dynamic gateway between East and West.